The Cowardly Lion

He has experience, a stellar education, a impressive portfolio, and the advantage of office; but David Alward is behaving like the cowardly lion on the yellow brick road to another election. The premier has been involved in more than a few debates on and off the floor of the New Brunswick Legislature but he is refusing to take part in this year’s CBC Leaders’ Debate.

Is it his plummeting approval rating? Is it an excellent attack strategy from the Liberals or New Democrats? No. The Premier refuses to appear because two lesser parties have also been invited. Leaders of the Green Party and People’s Alliance will be joining Brian Gallant and Dominic Cardy when New Brunswick tunes into the exchange of ideologies on September 9th. The Progressive Conservatives demanded that CBC withdraw the invitation to both the Greens and PAND, but when the CBC refused; the PCs left the planning meeting.

The Green Party is taking this as an affirmation of Alward’s fear of being questioned on his weak stance on the environment.  The NDP also believe that this is a sign of Alward’s fear on facing the issues.

It is important too to consider this only a small victory for the PANB and Green parties as they are still uninvited from taking part in the French language leaders’ debate. The reasoning being that the leaders of these parties lack the required fluency in the French language.

Even Prime Minister Stephen Harper who is known for a general reluctance to take part in televised events agreed to debate with Federal Green leader Elizabeth May. Alward’s decision is reminiscent of the American Republican Party and their refusal to take part in debates with leaders from any party other than the Democrats. This creates a political dichotomy and polarizes the electorate. This flies in the face of Canadianism and the parliamentary system of idea exchange, bipartisan co-operation, and civility.

CBC has kept the invitation open to Alward, but urge him to reconsider quickly for they can make the necessary changes.

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