The Blame Game and the Gravy Train

Election day is still months away but the blame game is under way. New Brunswick politics is a never ending cycle of red and blue shaming. Realistically, both parties often mirror one another’s policies and actually behave very much the same when in power. But that doesn’t deter either faction from trying desperately to drive a wedge between New Brunswickers and potential voters by shifting blame upon each other and give the appearance of political difference.

This year has seen a particular vitriol from the major players. Is the extra venom a result of the new trend in NB politics; to dispose of a government after a single term? Or is this reflective of the American influence to make mud slinging personal? Premier Brian Gallant has attacked PCNB Leader Blaine Higgs over his affiliation with the Irving Corporation. Does Higgs’ 33 year Irving allegiance really put him in a questionable position were he to win the September election?

Higgs made the controversial decision in March to fire party Executive Director Stephen Smith to insert his friend Paul D’Astous. Since then, PCNB has been in full attack mode. Most notably, Higgs has assailed Gallant over allegations of Speaker Chris Collins committing harassment. The attacks cut deep in the age of the #Metoo movement and #Time’s Up, but it was not made clear of who or even the gender of the person allegedly harassed or the nature of the harassment. Many believe the attacks are purely politically motivated as Collins is a very popular politician who has served three terms and is a key factor in preventing the PCNB from a breakthrough in the Moncton area.

Transportation Minister Bill Fraser then volleyed that problems facing New Brunswick highways and bridges are the fault of former finance minister; Blaine Higgs. Road conditions are notoriously poor in New Brunswick with pot holes out numbering citizens in some areas. Conditions on Route 616 and the decision not to replace the Cherryvale Bridge are directly traced back to Higgs and the Alward Government, claims Fraser. Route 616 is in such a state of disrepair that shifting blame to Higgs is to put a major safety issue directly on the shoulders of the PC leader.

An attempt to overcome the attacks levied against him, Gallant has announced a mountain of new spending. The spending will most benefit the healthcare sector and also the Saint John region. The belief is that the influx of revenue the government will gain from the legalization and distribution of marijuana will make this spending boom possible. But Higgs has attacked the spending and ignored the possibility of a cash influx. Gallant has promised to spend $16 million to fill 25 current vacancies immediately.