Some Safe, Predictable Northern Ridings

In some ridings it is easy to see how many voters can become jaded. If you live in a riding that has voted for the same party since your father was in high school, you might wonder if there is any point in voting for the opposition. Restigouche-Chaleur is one such riding. Liberal since 1978; Restigouche-Chaleur is a pretty safe bet if you are a gambling man (or woman). Roland Hache has held the riding since 1999 for the Liberal Party. In the last election, Hache defeated the PC challenger by almost 1000 ballots. The election before that he beat the PC by nearly 2000. The NDP and Greens came in a distant third and fourth. The People’s Alliance are not in the running this year, nor have they ever ran a candidate in Restigouche-Chaleur. This year sees the end of Hache’s reign as he retires and makes way for Liberal Daniel Guitard.

Caraquet surprised the pollsters once in 2001 with a by-election. In that by-election, a PC defeated the Liberal and ended the Red Streak. But that only lasted until the 2003 election when the Liberals rebounded and took back Caraquet. In 2006, the Grits defeated the Tories by nearly 3000 votes here! Considering how hard Caraquet has been hit economically under Premier Alward’s stewardship, don’t expect another surprise in this Red Ridinghood.

A Tory blue riding that will likely not change is Shippagan-Lameque-Miscou. Paul Robichaud is the imcumbent PC running for re-election. In his last two elections, Robichaud deafeated Liberal challangers by 1500 and 1900 votes respectively.Robichaud is currently the Deputy Premier and has held nearly every cabinet position imaginable. Though the Liberals are expected (at moment) to take 44 of the 49 seats in the legislature; this may be one of the few untouchables for Brian Gallant. It is also being contested by the NDP and the Greens.

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